Admissions & School Opening Hours

Admission to Reception is in September at the start of the school year in which the child has his/her 5th birthday. This is a once a year admission date open to all parents.

Applications for Reception admissions for September 2024 are now closed. 

Worcestershire Admissions Policy 2023 – 2024

You will soon be able to apply online for September 2025:

Worcestershire Admissions

Birmingham Admissions


You will need an email address. You will be sent an email receipt to acknowledge your application has been submitted. If you do not have access to the internet at home you can make an application at any Worcestershire library.

In the second part of the summer term parents/carers are invited to a ‘Welcome to Early Years Induction Evening’. At this meeting we share our starting school information pack which includes everything you need to get off to a great start at LHPSN. Your child is invited to a ‘stay and play’ session and home visits are arranged during this half term.

In Year Applications:

For Worcestershire residents only: The online system for applications for Primary Schools for September 2024 is now closed. If you still need to make a late application for a Primary School you can download the late PA1 form.

PA1 late application form