Field Work


Just in time before the rain came (and before the grass was cut!) 4RF spent an afternoon surveying the school field, recording their observations of the plants growing there.

But surely it’s all grass right?

Well we identified daisy, dandelion, both white and red clover, shamrock, thistle, speedwell, greater plantain, narrow leaf plantain, buttercup, dove’s foot cranesbill, chickweed and broad-leaved dock…

…And we haven’t even started on the hedgerow yet.

We also spotted something unusual on the surface of some tree leaves – strange reddish cones growing out of the leaf. After some research they turned out to be lime nail galls. They’re formed by microscopic mites that feed on the leaves of lime trees. The mites feed by sucking sap but while doing so produce chemicals that cause the leaves to produce the brightly coloured galls.

Lime Nail Galls